Настройка на 2 провайдера:
# Настройка локальной сети
/ip address
add address= network= broadcast= interface=Local
# Настройка сети провайдеров
/ip address
/interface pppoe-client
add add-default-route=yes default-route-distance=1 disabled=no interface=\
ether1 keepalive-timeout=60 max-mru=1500 max-mtu=1500 mrru=1600 name=\
WAN1 password=XXXXXXX user=XXXXXXX
add add-default-route=yes default-route-distance=1 disabled=no interface=\
ether2 keepalive-timeout=60 max-mru=1500 max-mtu=1500 mrru=1600 name=\
WAN2 password=XXXXXXX user=XXXXXXX
/ip firewall mangle
add chain=input in-interface=WAN1 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=WAN1_conn
add chain=input in-interface=WAN2 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=WAN2_conn
add chain=output connection-mark=WAN1_conn action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=to_WAN1
add chain=output connection-mark=WAN2_conn action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=to_WAN2
add chain=prerouting dst-address= action=accept in-interface=Local
add chain=prerouting dst-address= action=accept in-interface=Local
add chain=prerouting dst-address-type=!local in-interface=Local \
per-connection-classifier=both-addresses-and-ports:2/0 \
action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=WAN1_conn passthrough=yes
add chain=prerouting dst-address-type=!local in-interface=Local \
per-connection-classifier=both-addresses-and-ports:2/1 \
action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=WAN2_conn passthrough=yes
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=WAN1_conn in-interface=Local action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=to_WAN1
add chain=prerouting connection-mark=WAN2_conn in-interface=Local action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=to_WAN2
/ip route
add dst-address= gateway=WAN1 routing-mark=to_WAN1 check-gateway=arp
add dst-address= gateway=WAN2 routing-mark=to_WAN2 check-gateway=arp
add dst-address= gateway= distance=1 check-gateway=arp
add dst-address= gateway= distance=2 check-gateway=arp
/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN1 action=masquerade
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN2 action=masquerade
Создаем резервные копии конфигов MikroTik и отправляем на удаленный FTP сервер
local username "никнейм"
#ftp account
local ftphost "имя сервера"
local ftpuser "логин"
local ftppassword "пароль"
local ftppath "/pub/mikrotik"
#create full system backup files
/system backup save name="$username.backup"
:delay 30s;
#create config export files
/export compact file="$username.rsc"
:delay 30s;
# upload the system backup
:log info message="Uploading system backup"
/tool fetch address="$ftphost" src-path="$username.backup" user="$ftpuser" mode=ftp password="$ftppassword" dst-path="$ftppath/$username.backup" upload=yes
:delay 30s;
# upload the config export
:log info message="Uploading config export"
/tool fetch address="$ftphost" src-path="$username.rsc" user="$ftpuser" mode=ftp password="$ftppassword" dst-path="$ftppath/$username.rsc" upload=yes
:delay 30s;
# find file name $username- then remove
:foreach i in=[/file find] do={ :if ([:typeof [:find [/file get $i name] "$username"]]!="nil") do={/file remove $i}; }
:log info message="Configuration backup finished.";
Бекап по частям
Микротик1 (экспорт):
ip firewall export file=ip-firewall.rsc
ip pool export file=ip-pool.rsc
ip route export file=ip-route.rsc
Микротик2 (импорт):
import file=ip-firewall.rsc
import file=ip-pool.rsc
import file=ip-route.rsc
Добавляем автоматически 254 маршрута
for x from=1 to=254 do={ /ip route add dst-address="192.168.$x.0/24" gateway= }
Указываем мост одной командой для всех интерфейсов
>interface bridge port add interface=ether1 bridge=bridge-local; ip address set 0 interface=bridge-local; ip dhcp-server set 0 interface=bridge-local
Меняем MAC на интерфейсе на свой
/interface ethernet set ether1 mac-address=00:01:00:00:00:00
Проверяем шлюз провайдера, если он отличается от статического — синхронизируем
:global ispgw [ip dhcp-client get [/ip dhcp-client find interface=ether1-gateway] gateway ];
:global ispgwstat [ip route get [/ip route find comment="ISP1" ] gateway ];
#:log info ("$ispgw" )
#:log info ("$ispgwstat" )
:if ($ispgw = $ispgwstat ) do={ :log info ("ISP GW OK" ) } else={ ip route set [/ip route find comment="ISP1"] gateway=$ispgw; :log info ("ISP GW COMPLETE" )}
Если через PPPOE соединение некоторые сайты не открываются
Необходимо сделать изменения в Firewall > Mangle.
Удалить динамические правила change MSS all ppp.
Добавить правило:
/ip firewall mangle add action=change-mss chain=forward new-mss=1360 protocol=tcp tcp-flags=syn tcp-mss=1453-65535
Изменить профиль, что бы динамические правила больше не создавались:
PPP > Prifiles > Default > General > Change TCP MSS “no”
Локальное перенаправление портов
/ip firewall nat
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-address= dst-port=8181 \
in-interface=bridge-local protocol=tcp src-address= \
to-addresses= to-ports=8080
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-address= dst-port=8182 \
in-interface=bridge-local protocol=tcp src-address= \
to-addresses= to-ports=555
add action=src-nat chain=srcnat dst-address= dst-port=8080 \
out-interface=bridge-local protocol=tcp src-address= \
to-addresses= to-ports=8181
add action=src-nat chain=srcnat dst-address= dst-port=555 \
out-interface=bridge-local protocol=tcp src-address= \
to-addresses= to-ports=8182
Прикручиваем клиент DDNS сервиса no-ip.org
##############Script Settings##################
:local NOIPUser "логин_ноип"
:local NOIPPass "пароль_ноип"
:local WANInter "интерфейс_в_инет"
:local NOIPDomain "домен_ноип"
:local IpCurrent [/ip address get [find interface=$WANInter] address];
:for i from=( [:len $IpCurrent] - 1) to=0 do={
:if ( [:pick $IpCurrent $i] = "/") do={
:local NewIP [:pick $IpCurrent 0 $i];
:if ([:resolve $NOIPDomain] != $NewIP) do={
/tool fetch mode=http user=$NOIPUser password=$NOIPPass url="http://dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/updateFhostname=$NOIPDomain&myip=$NewIP" keep-result=no
:log info "NO-IP Update: $NOIPDomain - $NewIP"
Дописать текст в файл
:local ts [/system clock get time]
:set ts ([:pick $ts 0 2].[:pick $ts 3 5].[:pick $ts 6 8])
:local ds [/system clock get date]
:set ds ([:pick $ds 7 11].[:pick $ds 0 3].[:pick $ds 4 6])
:local ContentsFile [/file get isp-stat.txt contents];
/file set isp-stat.txt contents="$ContentsFile\nISP DOWN-$ds-$ts"
Проверка средней скорости интернет и запись в log файл
:local txAvg 0
:local rxAvg 0
:local ts [/system clock get time]
:set ts ([:pick $ts 0 2].[:pick $ts 3 5].[:pick $ts 6 8])
:local ds [/system clock get date]
:set ds ([:pick $ds 7 11].[:pick $ds 0 3].[:pick $ds 4 6])
tool bandwidth-test protocol=tcp direction=transmit address=ip_bandsw_test_server duration=5s do={
:set txAvg ($"tx-total-average" / 1048576 );
tool bandwidth-test protocol=tcp direction=receive address=ip_bandsw_test_server duration=5s do={
:set rxAvg ($"rx-total-average" / 1048576 );
:local ContentsFile [/file get isp-quality.txt contents];
/file set isp-quality.txt contents="$ContentsFile\n$ds-$ts tx: $txAvg Mbps - rx: $rxAvg Mbps"
Цвет лога
log info "blah blah this log is in black"
log warning "blah blah this log is in blue"
log error "blah blah this log is in red"
Проверка баланса, оператор Life (автор AHouse)
/tool sms set receive-enabled=yes
/tool sms inbox remove [/tool sms inbox find phone="5433"]
/log info "Get current ballance"
/tool sms send usb5 phone-number=5016 message="CHECKBALANCE"
#ждем смску сбаллансом
/log info "Delay 60s..."
:delay 60s
/log info "Searching Ballance message..."
:local SMSGateBallance [ :pick [/tool sms inbox get value-name=message number=[/tool sms inbox find phone="5433"]] 0 15 ]
#/log info $SMSGateBallance
:if ([:len $SMSGateBallance] >1) do={ /log info $SMSGateBallance } else={ /log info "Ballance SMS not found !!!" }
Скрипт проверяет смену IP домена DDNS и меняет IP в поле «Host:» NetWatch
:global dnshostname "alik.no-ip.org"
:global currentip [:resolve $dnshostname]
:log info "Current loopback ip alik: ($currentip)"
:global oldip [/tool netwatch get [/tool netwatch find comment="alik"] host]
:log info "Old loopback ip alik: ($oldip)"
:if ($currentip = $oldip ) do={ :log info ("Alik NW OK" ) } else={ /tool netwatch set [/tool netwatch find comment="alik"] host=$currentip; :log info ("Alik NW COMPLETE" )}
Сброс повисших сессий на порту 5060
:foreach i in=[/ip firewall connection find dst-address~":5060" protocol~"udp"] do={ /ip firewall connection remove $i }
:local pingcount 5;
:local hostping;
:local pingresultA [/ping $hostping count=$pingcount];
:if ($pingresultA > 0) do={:put "connect"} else= { :foreach i in=[/ip firewall connection find dst-address~":5060" protocol~"udp"] do={ /ip firewall connection remove $i } }
Переподключение активного соединения ppp
/ppp active remove numbers=[/ppp active find where name="ppp-name-connect"]]
Пересылка SMS на E-Mail
# Скрипт проверяет наличие входящих SMS
# и по-sms-но отправляет их на e-mail
# Должен быть настроен email-клиент на микротике
# DEBUGMODE "True" - будет отладка в лог.
:local DEBUGMODE "False"
# EMail адрес получателя
:local DSTEMail "ahousе@mаil.ru"
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info "sms 2 email DEBUG ...";}
/tool sms set receive-enabled=yes
:delay 30s
:local SMSMSG ""
:local SMSPHONE ""
:local SMSDate ""
:local InboxSMSCount [/tool sms inbox print count-only]
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info "INBOX SMS Count: $InboxSMSCount";}
:if ($InboxSMSCount >0) do={
:local InBoxSMSArray [:toarray [/tool sms inbox find]]
:foreach CurrentSMS in=$InBoxSMSArray do={
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info "SMS ID# $CurrentSMS";}
:set SMSPHONE [ /tool sms inbox get value-name=phone number=$CurrentSMS ];
:set SMSDate [ /tool sms inbox get value-name=timestamp number=$CurrentSMS ];
:set SMSMSG [ /tool sms inbox get value-name=message number=$CurrentSMS ];
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info $SMSPHONE;}
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info $SMSDate;}
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info $SMSMSG;}
:if ( [:len $SMSMSG] >0 ) do={
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info "Sending SMS 2 EMail $DSTEMail ....";}
/tool e-mail send from=rb@ahosting.net.ua to=$DSTEMail body="PHONE: $SMSPHONE\nDATE: $SMSDate\nMSG: $SMSMSG" subject="AR SMS-Gateway INBOX SMS#$CurrentSMS"
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info "Clearing INBOX SMS# $CurrentSMS";}
/tool sms inbox remove numbers=$CurrentSMS
} else {:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info "INBOX empty";} }
:if ( $DEBUGMODE="True" ) do={/log info "Sending SMS 2 EMail COMPLITED!!!";}
Баланс на сим карте
/tool sms set receive-enabled=yes
/tool sms inbox remove [/tool sms inbox find phone="5433"]
/log info "Get current ballance"
/tool sms send usb5 phone-number=5016 message="CHECKBALANCE"
#ждем смску сбаллансом
/log info "Delay 60s..."
:delay 60s
/log info "Searching Ballance message..."
:local SMSGateBallance [ :pick [/tool sms inbox get value-name=message number=[/tool sms inbox find phone="5433"]] 0 15 ]
#/log info $SMSGateBallance
:if ([:len $SMSGateBallance] >1) do={ /log info $SMSGateBallance } else={ /log info "Ballance SMS not found !!!" }